Suggestive Impact of Stereotypes (by the Material of Modern English-Language Media That Create the Image of Russia)
Zyryanova Irina Nikolaevna, Kosyakov Vitaly Aleksandrovich
Baikal State University
Submitted: 12.07.2022
Abstract. The aim of this study is to identify the suggestive potential of stereotypes in modern media. The article is devoted to studying the suggestive impact of stereotypes by the material of modern English-language media, which present the image of Russia. The article considers such notions as a stereotype and suggestion, provides a typology of stereotypes, and describes their main functions. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the stereotype is considered by the authors from the point of view of a suggestive impact on the consciousness of society. The paper also studies the linguistic means by which an artificial stereotype is formed that can have a suggestive impact. As a result of analysing the examples, the main stereotypical image of Russia, which is created in the English-language media, as well as the ways of its linguistic implementation, have been identified.
Key words and phrases: стереотип, социальный стереотип, суггестия, суггестивное воздействие, stereotype, social stereotype, suggestion, suggestive impact
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