The National Corpus of the Russian Language as a Tool for Studying Precedent Signs of High Culture with the Source Sphere “Russian Classical Literature”
Kuzmina Luiza Aleksandrovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 18.05.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the advantages of the resources of the National Corpus of the Russian Language (hereinafter referred to as the NCRL) for an objective assessment of the degree of prevalence and activity of Russian literature classics’ works reception in modern professional and social media. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the algorithm for searching not only for precedent signs with the source sphere “Russian classical literature”, but also for their transforms in the NCRL is described. The obtained data showed that, being an important tool for searching for precedent signs of various types and having a large amount of resources for analysing research material, NCRL does not always allow drawing sufficiently substantiated conclusions. It is necessary to refer to the resources of other corpora for an objective assessment of the quantitative representation of high culture signs in media texts, the genre affiliation of these texts, the nature of the transformation of the precedent sign. The selection and marking of the texts from other corpora is carried out automatically and therefore includes relevant text materials from professional and social media,
Key words and phrases: НКРЯ, газетный корпус, прецедентность, медиатекст, русская классическая литература, National Corpus of the Russian Language, newspaper corpus, precedence, media text, Russian classical literature
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