The System of Pronunciation Culture Formation in Classes on Practical Phonetics of the English Language at a Pedagogical University
Mirzoeva Elena Yurevna
Moscow Pedagogical State University, Anapa branch
Submitted: 17.07.2022
Abstract. The paper represents the second stage of studying the issue of pronunciation culture formation in classes on practical phonetics of the English language for first-year students of a pedagogical university. The second stage of the study aims to find optimal ways to improve the methodology of teaching practical phonetics of the English language at university, taking into account a previously conducted diagnostic assessment of the biggest problem areas as pertaining to the level of students’ pronunciation culture formation. Scientific novelty of the study lies in developing and substantiating the feasibility of using the communicative principles of organising classes on practical phonetics of a foreign language at a pedagogical university and creating a system of tasks on their basis that contributes to improving the level of students’ pronunciation culture. As a result, it has been proved that the use of a special system of communicative tasks in classes on practical phonetics of the English language helps to increase the level of pronunciation culture among first-year students of a pedagogical university.
Key words and phrases: формирование культуры произношения, практическая фонетика английского языка, педагогический вуз, задания коммуникативной направленности, pronunciation culture formation, practical phonetics of the English language, pedagogical university, communicative tasks
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