Non-Mastery of Mediation Techniques and Means as a Pedagogical Deficit in the Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching
Abramova Ekaterina Alekseevna
Moscow City University
Submitted: 16.07.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to identify the psycholinguistic aspects of mediation in the methodology of foreign language teaching. The paper provides a methodological justification of the approach to characterising the lack of mediation competencies as a pedagogical deficit of a foreign language teacher, provides a brief definitional analysis of the notion of “mediation” and approaches to its interpretation, substantiates the psycholinguistic approach to consideration of mediation, gives examples of the need for mediation competencies. Scientific novelty of the research lies in interpreting mediation non-mastery as a teacher’s pedagogical deficit, compensating for which it is possible to overcome various kinds of issues regarding students’ semantic perception of educational speech messages in a foreign language. The researcher proposes a psycholinguistic approach, namely the theory of speech activity, as a methodological justification. The result of the analysis amounts to the identification of the theoretical and methodological basis for the study of mediation as a teacher’s specific educational speech actions to create optimal conditions for understanding.
Key words and phrases: медиация, педагогический дефицит, психолингвистика, теория речевой деятельности, учебное речевое действие, mediation, pedagogical deficit, psycholinguistics, theory of speech activity, educational speech action
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