Adaptation Features in Translating News Texts (by the Example of News about China in the Russian and English Media)
Sun Minqing, Zhao Meiwei
South China Normal University
Central South University of Forestry and Technology
Submitted: 22.06.2022
Abstract. This paper deals with adapted translations of news texts. The aim of the study is to identify differences between original and translated news texts and the factors that influence the change in the form and content of a text in the interlingual transmission of information. The scientific novelty is that for the first time it considers adaptation in the translation of news texts based on a comparative analysis of the original news text in Chinese and its translations into Russian and English. As a result of the study, it has been found that the translation of the news text in the media uses different techniques of adaptation and results in different translated texts. The changes depend both on the linguistic and stylistic features of the news genre and on extra-linguistic factors.
Key words and phrases: приёмы адаптации, перевод новостных текстов, СМИ, сравнительный анализ, adaptation techniques, translation of news texts, mass media, comparative analysis
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