Goal Setting as a Psycholinguistic Mechanism and Its Implementation in the Modern English-Language Media Discourse
Guslyakova Alla Victorovna, Guslyakova Nina Ivanovna
Moscow Pedagogical State University; RUDN University
South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
Submitted: 07.07.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to provide insight into the specifics of functioning of goal setting as a psycholinguistic mechanism in the construction of the English-language media discourse. Scientific novelty of the research lies in considering goal setting as a psycholinguistic mechanism that is an integral, strategically significant component of the functioning of the English-language media discourse determining the vector of its further evolution. As a result, it has been proved that the final “product” of a goal-shaping event is implemented in new mental attitudes, behavioural patterns, special emotional states and updated linguistic habits among the participants of media communication who are actively integrated in the English-language media discourse space.
Key words and phrases: психолингвистический механизм целеполагания, англоязычный медиадискурс, коммуникация, psycholinguistic mechanism of goal setting, English-language media discourse, communication
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