Genre Specifics of Modern English-Language News Media Texts on Coronavirus Topics
Syresina Irina Olegovna, Bondarenko Svetlana Vladimirovna, Korzova Elena Nikolaevna
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 22.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine discursive mechanisms for creating the genre specifics of the modern English-language news media texts united by the theme of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the article, the media text is considered as a special type of communication at the verbal and media levels carrying an interpretive load, the genre specificity of which is determined by both discursive and textual categories. Particular attention is paid to an analysis of the small-format one-dicteme media texts of news headlines from the standpoint of the dicteme text theory. The scientific novelty lies in the consideration of the news media text as a dictemic formation, the genre specificity of which is determined by the categories of thematization and stylization. As a result, it has been found that the genre specificity of the coronavirus news media texts at the discourse level is determined by such categories as interpretation, dialogueness, goal-setting; and by the categories of thematization and stylization, which leads to the choice of certain linguo-stylistic means of their expression at the dicteme (text) level.
Key words and phrases: новостной медиатекст, жанр, диктема, диктемный анализ, малоформатный однодиктемный медиатекст, news media text, genre, dicteme, dictemic analysis, small-format one-dicteme media text
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