Speech Influence Techniques in the Headlines of Online Media Texts of the British Quality Press
Varzapova Viktoriya Yuryevna
Pacific National University
Submitted: 15.07.2022
Abstract. The research aims to identify speech influence techniques used in the headlines of online media texts of the British quality press. In this regard, the paper clarifies the concept of speech influence in relation to the headline of an online media text, examines speech influence techniques in the headline manifested at the level of form and content, highlights typical speech influence techniques at the linguistic level by analysing the practical material of the headlines of online English-language media texts. The research is novel in that it is the first to apply the typology of speech influence techniques developed within the framework of political linguistics to the material of the British online quality press headlines. As a result of studying “The Independent” and “The Telegraph” headlines, standard speech influence techniques aimed at ensuring a pragmatically-oriented interpretation of the headline by the addressee have been identified.
Key words and phrases: сетевой медиатекст, заголовок, речевое воздействие, online media text, headline, speech influence
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