"Rule - Example" Correlation in Time Category Description in the French Grammars of the XVI-XVIII Centuries
Shcherbinin Andrei Yurievich
Belgorod National Research University
Submitted: 10.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the dynamics of the correlation between the rule and the example in the description of the time category in the French grammars of the XVI-XVIII centuries. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the factors that influenced the integrity of describing the French verb tenses system and the specifics of exemplification when it was covered in the grammars of the period under consideration have been determined. For the first time, the importance of an example in describing the time category at the initial stage of the French grammatical tradition formation is studied and shown. As a result, it has been proved that the "rule - example" correlation in the description of this category in the studied grammars depended on the process of understanding the tense system of the French verb by their authors.
Key words and phrases: историография лингвистики, французские грамматики XVI-XVIII вв, глагол, категория времени, соотношение "правило - пример", historiography of linguistics, French grammars of the XVI-XVIII centuries, verb, time category, correlation "rule - example"
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