Plato’s Linguistic Personality and "Cave" Idealism
Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Kugan Ekaterina Ivanovna
Belgorod National Research University; Moscow International University; Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shoukhov
Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shoukhov
Submitted: 08.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is a linguo-semiotic reconstruction of the linguistic personality of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. The scientific novelty lies in the distinction of the dominant features of using speech means, which serve as source material for linguistic identity modelling based on the interpretative-semiotic approach, elements of novelty are contained in the principles of a discriminant analysis of the key episodes in Plato’s philosophical conception. The obtained results have shown the presence of typological features of the philosopher’s linguistic personality, which can be attributed to the logical-conservative type of a personality with ideological binarity elements. The content of the thinker’s speech portrait includes not only linguistic and communicative formats of discourse, but also ways of verbalizing philosophical concepts, as well as a phraseological corpus of statements. An important component of the philosopher’s communicative-speech portrait is general behavioural parameters of communication: confidence in himself and in the content of what was said; communicative self-control; decisiveness in the choice of language material for statements; cognitive and discursive authority.
Key words and phrases: лингвокогниция, философия языка, языковая личность, философский дискурс, когниция и коммуникация, linguistic cognition, philosophy of language, linguistic personality, philosophical discourse, cognition and communication
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