Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna, Kopelnik Vladislava Igorevna
Tambov State Technical University
Submitted: 08.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the semantic and pragmatic grounds of the virus metaphor of marketing communication. Basing on a conceptual and contextual analysis, the axiological characteristics of such a metaphor and its correlation with anthropocentric, morbial and militaristic metaphors are traced. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the positive potential of virality in marketing communication is substantiated, which is not correlated with the negative connotations of the source area, and alternative metaphorical models that are free from negative connotations are analysed. As a result, the structure and linguo-pragmatic status of a metaphor representing large audience coverage in marketing operations are determined.
Key words and phrases: маркетинговая коммуникация, метафора, метафорическая модель, оценка, коннотация, marketing communication, metaphor, metaphorical model, evaluation, connotation
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