Non-Trivial Types of Semantic Derivation in Colloquial and Youth Vocabulary of the Modern German Language
Bojkova Irina Borissovna
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 16.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of this article is to determine the semantic-cognitive status of new colloquial meanings that have not received attention of traditional typology. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying several non-trivial types of semantic derivation - independent and dependent, determining their relationship with other types of semantic derivation, as well as in describing a cognitive mechanism for creating new nominations. As a result, the relative independence of the linguistic processes of derivation and linguistic thinking of the German youth is shown.
Key words and phrases: нетривиальные типы семантической деривации, самостоятельные и несамостоятельные типы семантической деривации, коллоквиальная лексика современного немецкого языка, ребрендинг, когнитивный аспект семантической деривации, non-trivial types of semantic derivation, independent and dependent types of semantic derivation, colloquial vocabulary of the modern German language, rebranding, cognitive aspect of semantic derivation
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