Compound Adjectives of Subordinating Type in the Hungarian Language
Ariskina Tatyana Pavlovna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Submitted: 10.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the most productive models for the formation of compound adjectives of the subordinating type in the Hungarian language. Much attention is paid to the consideration of compound adjectives formed 1) with the help of suffixes, 2) without the participation of suffix word formation. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the detailed analysis of compound adjectives of the subordinating type in the Hungarian language by the material of the dictionary "Magyar-orosz sz?t?r = Hungarian-Russian Dictionary". As a result, it has been ascertained that the first component can be an adjective or a noun, and the second one is an adjective, which determines the belonging of compound words to this part of speech. The examples given confirm that the largest group is made up of compound adjectives of the subordinating type, which are at the same time derivatives.
Key words and phrases: сложное слово, имя прилагательное, подчинительная связь, словообразовательная модель, венгерский язык, compound word, adjective, subordination, word-formation model, Hungarian language
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