Gender-Marked Asymmetry in the Russian and Chinese Languages
Yao Xiaoyi
Jiangsu Normal University; University of Heilongjiang
Submitted: 16.05.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the features of gender-marked asymmetry in the Russian and Chinese languages. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time, basing on the theory of markedness, a comparative analysis of gender-marked asymmetry in the vocabulary of the two languages is carried out. As a result, the features of formal, semantic, distributive marking of gender vocabulary are revealed. The obtained results have shown that the gender vocabulary of the Russian and Chinese languages has a clear marked asymmetry, which is a concentrated expression of the national culture, socio-cognitive characteristics and socio-political development of the two countries.
Key words and phrases: явление маркировки, гендерная асимметрия, языковой сексизм, русский язык, китайский язык, marking phenomenon, gender asymmetry, linguistic sexism, Russian language, Chinese language
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