Structure, Functioning and Language Realization of Artistic Fractals in Robert Irwin’s Novel "The Arabian Nightmare"
Linnichenko Svetlana Igorevna
Samara State Technical University
Submitted: 04.05.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to ascertain the structure, principles of functioning and linguistic expression of fractals in fiction. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that a new approach to the research of author’s cognition in postmodernism novels has been developed based on the study of the fractal structure of a literary text; in connection with it, the term "artistic fractal" is introduced, which is defined as a complex linguo-semantic structure consisting of smaller, duplicating or continuing each other elements, in some cases, closed on themselves. The specificity of fractal structures is analysed by the material of Robert Irwin’s novel "The Arabian Nightmare". As a result of the study, it has been found that the novel is an endless artistic fractal consisting of the stories similar to it, most of which, in turn, fall into fractals. In the structure of the novel, seven fractals have been identified, which also have infinite nature and consist of the elements similar to each other. At the linguistic level, these fractals are expressed with the help of detailed metaphors, the author’s appeals to the reader, repetitions and grammatical parallelisms. Each fractal has specific linguistic expression and contributes to the realization of special artistic meanings.
Key words and phrases: авторская когниция, когнитивная лингвистика, постмодернизм, теория хаоса, художественный фрактал, author’s cognition, cognitive linguistics, postmodernism, chaos theory, artistic fractal
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