Structural-Semantic Features and Cognitive-Pragmatic Potential of Neological Names in Women’s Cosmetics Advertising (Based on the German Language)
Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
Samara State Economic University
Samara State Technical University
Submitted: 27.04.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to describe the structural-semantic and cognitive-pragmatic specifics of the neologisms related to the thematic segment "Beauty and Perfume" and used in modern advertising. The article discusses in detail the types of the neologisms of the conceptual sphere "Beauty" and the ways of their formation. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time a complex and comprehensive analysis of neologisms operating in this industry has been carried out. As a result of the study, the cognitive-pragmatic potential of neological nominations has been determined, which allows creating and modelling certain images and associations of the products advertised in the beauty industry stimulating consumers’ purchasing activity.
Key words and phrases: неологизм, реклама, детерминативный композит, образность, гибридное образование, neologism, advertising, determinative composite, imagery, hybrid formation
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