Functioning of Hypertext Transitions in the Online News Polytext Narrative (by the Material of Web Versions of English-Language Newspapers)
Paramonova Marina Ilyinichna
The Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Submitted: 13.04.2022
Abstract. The study aims to determine the role of hypertext transition in the formation of the narrative structure of the online news polytext narrative and the implementation of such narrative categories as chronotope and narrative dynamics. The paper considers the specificity of the unfolding of the narrative structure, as well as new possibilities for the implementation of the above-mentioned narrative-forming categories in the English-language news polytext narrative of the online format attributable to hypertextuality. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that despite a significant amount of research in the field of media narratology, as well as a large number of works devoted to the functional features of hyperlinks in the news text, their functioning as a means of constructing a news hypernarrative and implementing specific narrative categories remains a little-studied issue. In addition, the author proposes a narrower view of the news polytext narrative. As a result of the study, the mechanism of the unfolding of the narrative structure and the implementation of the chronotope and dynamics categories through the activation of hypertext transitions has been described.
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