Structure and Semantics of Causative Forms -тыр and -т in the Khakass Language
Kyzlasova Inga Ludovikovna
N. F. Katanov Khakass State University
Submitted: 06.01.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the structural and semantic features of the synonymous causative forms -тыр and -т in the Khakass language. The article indicates debatable points in determining the essence of the Turkic causative. The characterizing features of the causative are listed: the presence of the causator, the connotation of its invariant meaning by the seme of "impact", agentivity. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a detailed description of the semantics of the causative forms -тыр and -т in the Khakass language and their derivational features. As a result, the processes of direct, indirect and passive-reflexive causation are shown. The work is based on the data of the Khakass language electronic corpus.
Key words and phrases: каузатив, хакасский язык, каузатор, директив, пермиссив, causative, Khakass language, causator, the directive, the permissive
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