Narrator’s Technique in J. Heller’s Novel "Catch-22": Impartiality, Illusion and Contrast
Gevorkyan Silva Samvelovna
Rostov State Economical University (RINH)
Submitted: 04.05.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the pragmatic architectonics of the narrator’s storytelling in terms of the "zero degree of writing" theory by R. Barth based on the material of the novel "Catch-22" by J. Heller. The scientific novelty is in clarifying the typology of narrative techniques in the postmodernist text that produces the effect of black humour. It is revealed that the narrator avoids explicit assessments of events, conducts an impartial narrative in the third person and minimizes the expression of personal emotional attitude to the characters’ images, their reactions to external destructive stimuli. Thus, a reader has the illusion that imaginary reality is formed by objective eventfulness.
Key words and phrases: повествовательная техника, рассказчик, беспристрастность, контраст, когнитивный диссонанс, narrative technique, narrator, impartiality, contrast, cognitive dissonance
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