I. A. Bunin and the Journal "Sovremennye zapiski": On the History of Publication of "The Life of Arseniev"
Azarov Yuri Alexeevich
А. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 26.04.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to trace the history of I. A. Bunin’s collaboration with the journal "Sovremennye zapiski" and the stages of publication of "The Life of Arseniev". At the same time, the paper sheds light on the role played in this matter by I. I. Fondaminsky, an editor of the journal, public figure, socialist revolutionary, member of the Constituent Assembly. Literary works, a collection of letters, contemporaries’ accounts and memoirs served as the material for analysis. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in the fact that this correspondence has not previously been the subject of an in-depth analysis. The research findings have shown that the issues related to the writer’s collaboration with the journal undoubtedly occupy the main place in the correspondence, and the preserved letters of Fondaminsky to Bunin make it possible to recreate to a large extent the creative history of "The Life of Arseniev".
Key words and phrases: литература русской эмиграции, И. А. Бунин, И. И. Фондаминский, журнал "Современные записки", публикация "Жизни Арсеньева", literature of the Russian emigration, I. A. Bunin, I. I. Fondaminsky, journal "Sovremennye zapiski", publication of "The Life of Arseniev"
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