Linguo-Culturological Features of Poetic Text Translation by the Example of M. Yu. Lermontov’s Poem "Demon" Translation into English
Gasanova Farida Rauf kizi
Russian University of Transport
Submitted: 27.03.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to determine the degree of functional and pragmatic adequacy of translating M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem "Demon" from Russian into English, as well as to identify some features of rendering the linguo-culturological components of this work of fiction. The analysis involves the translation of Lermontov’s "Demon" proposed by Robert Burns. The scientific novelty lies in new theoretical understanding of the interlingual aspect of a poetic text translation from Russian into English, which makes it possible to systematize those speech and language means that are most important for achieving the adequate translation of a poetic text. The ways of translating M. Yu. Lermontov’s lyrics by Robert Burns are considered. A generalized description of the translation is given. As a consequence, the results of a comparative analysis of the original and translated texts are presented, which indicate similarity and difference in the means of linguistic expression.
Key words and phrases: поэтический текст, стихотворный ритм, поэтический перевод, художественный анализ, эквивалентность/адекватность перевода, poetic text, poetic rhythm, poetic translation, literary analysis, equivalence/adequacy of translation
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