Features of Translation of French Medical Terms into Russian
Datsiouk Vasilisa Vitalievna
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Submitted: 14.04.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the lexical features of the French medical discourse, using the example of French-language medical texts. The author highlights the lexical features of French scientific terms and also models possible translation difficulties in the rendering of medical texts into Russian. Scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that medical terms are classified from the perspective of linguistic difficulties that they present when translated into Russian. As a result of the study, the researcher has developed a classification of French medical terms taking into account their pragmatic features manifested when comparing the initial situation contained in the original text with the target situation in the translation text.
Key words and phrases: медицинский текст, медицинские термины, фоновые знания, перевод терминов, лингвистическая компетентность, medical text, medical terms, background knowledge, translation of terms, linguistic competence
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