Lexical-Semantic Means of Forming Evaluation of the MUSLIM WOMAN Concept in the English Internet Discourse
Sidorenko Elizaveta Maksimovna
Belgorod State National Research University
Submitted: 22.02.2022
Abstract. The present work examines the lexical-semantic means of forming an evaluation of the MUSLIM WOMAN concept in the Internet discourse, and also considers the notion of "concept" and its evaluation component. The aim is to determine the lexical-semantic means by which the MUSLIM WOMAN concept is actualized and its evaluation is formed. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the author considers not only the lexical-semantic means of actualizing this concept, but also their evaluative component. As a result of the factual material analysis, it has been found that in the English-language media, the MUSLIM WOMAN concept is actualized mainly by negative evaluation judgments that is due to the lack of sufficient knowledge about a Muslim woman in the English-language worldview.
Key words and phrases: концепт, лексическая единица, оценочные суждения, актуализация концепта, concept, lexical unit, evaluation judgments, concept actualization
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