Grammatical Transformations in Translation of Instructions for Medical Products Use from English into Russian (Based on the Instruction for the Use of the Immunostimulating Medical Product Keytruda)
Amirova Oksana Georgievna
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmullah
Submitted: 10.04.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the most typical grammatical transformations involved in the process of translating the text of instruction for the use of medical products from English into Russian. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that typical grammatical transformations are first singled out by the material of the instruction for the application of Keytruda, one of the latest immunomodulatory medical products used in the treatment of patients with cancer. As a result, the author has identified typical grammatical transformations at the level of formal, morphological and functional characteristics of lexical units, reordering at the level of a phrase and a syntactic construction when translating the text of the instruction for the use of the immunomodulatory medical product Keytruda, which serve to ensure adequate perception of semantic information by the final user of this medical product.
Key words and phrases: фармацевтический дискурс, текст инструкции по применению лекарственного препарата, грамматическая трансформация, адекватность при переводе, pharmaceutical discourse, text of instruction for medical product use, grammatical transformation, adequacy in translation
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