Function of Conjunctions in a Complex Syntactic Unity in the Tatar Language
Giniyatullina Liliya Minnullovna
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibragimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
Submitted: 30.03.2022
Abstract. The study aims to determine the role of conjunctions in a complex syntactic unity in the Tatar language. The paper analyses the function of this linking means in the formation of a complex syntactic unity. Scientific novelty of the study lies in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the use of conjunctions in a complex syntactic unity, structural and semantic features of these units in the Tatar language. The paper is the first to identify and provide examples of semantic relations established by conjunctions between sentences of a complex syntactic unity. As a result of the analysis, it has been found that the same semantic relations that occur between the components of a complex sentence are established via conjunctions between sentences of a complex syntactic unity. Coordinating conjunctions express the relations of simultaneity, sequence and adjunction. Subordinating conjunctions establish conditional, cause-and-effect, comparative, clarifying, explanatory and other relations.
Key words and phrases: сложное синтаксическое целое, татарский язык, средство связи, союзы, complex syntactic unity, Tatar language, linking means, conjunctions
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