Axiological Potential of Hashtags with Lexical Units "Woman" and "Man"
Nepomnyashchikh Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Boyko Irina Vladimirovna
Baikal State University
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 28.03.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to describe the axiological potential of hashtags that include the lexical units "woman" and "man". Hashtags as a new discursive phenomenon are characterized by their multifunctionality. At the same time, one of the main functions of the hashtagged text is a network user’s self-presentation. The studied linguistic material indicates that a linguistic personality’s self-presentation is clearly manifested in hashtags with a gender component. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it presents, on the basis of hashtags with the indicated lexical units, a description of the axiological component in the gender aspect, as well as in the very principle of the analysis - the study of a separate thematic group of hashtags, which is especially important, since most authors investigate exclusively general issues of hashtagging (functions, structure, etc.). As a result, it is proved that the choice of language means when creating hashtags is determined by a particular linguistic personality’s value characteristics.
Key words and phrases: хэштег, аксиологический потенциал, оценка, интернет-лингвистика, гендер, hashtag, axiological potential, evaluation, Internet linguistics, gender
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