Specifics of Author’s Strategies in A. I. Ishimova’s Travelogue "Vacations of 1844, or A Trip to Moscow"
Konstantinova Natalya Vladimirovna
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 20.02.2022
Abstract. The aim of the paper is to characterize the variants of the author’s strategies in A. I. Ishimova’s "Vacation of 1844, or A Trip to Moscow". The scientific novelty lies in studying the specifics of combining different author’s strategies in Russian documentary travelogues of the 19th century (based on A. I. Ishimova’s notes). As a result, it was proved that A. I. Ishimova’s "Vacation of 1844, or A Trip to Moscow" is an example of the documentary travelogue, which combines different author’s strategies in the structure of the narrative demonstrating, on the one hand, the connection between the author (narrator) and the biographical author, and on the other hand, expressing several social roles at the same time: a teacher, an educator, a historian, a patriot, a writer. As a dominant paradigm, a female point of view is singled out, which combines different goals of creating a travelogue.
Key words and phrases: структура повествования, травелог, авторская стратегия, А. И. Ишимова, narrative structure, travelogue, author’s strategy, A. I. Ishimova
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