Internationalisms in Architectural Terminology of the European Languages (Gothic Architectural Style)
Kuznetsova Nadezhda Genievna, Stepicheva Olga Nikolaevna, Janowitz Philipp
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
Humboldt University
Submitted: 02.03.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is a systematic presentation of internationalisms in the thematic grouping of terms "Gothic architectural style" of the architectural terminology of the European languages (English, German, French, Italian and Russian). The scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the range of international terms in the named thematic grouping, in their classification, as well as in clarifying the etymology of the corresponding terminological units in each of the languages. The results obtained in the course of determining the range of terms-internationalisms in this section of the architectural terminology of the European languages and the analysis of etymologies made it possible to establish that the processes of borrowing from French, borrowing from classical and medieval Latin directly and through the mediation of the Romance languages, primarily French, as well as borrowing from Greek through Latin as an intermediary and borrowing from the Germanic languages participated in the formation of the corpus of international terms.
Key words and phrases: архитектурная терминология, термины-интернационализмы, европейские языки, architectural terminology, terms-internationalisms, European languages
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