Renatus Cartesius’s "Discursive" Linguistic Personality: Prolegomena of Interpretive Reconstruction
Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Buzinova Lyudmila Mikhailovna
Belgorod National Research University; Moscow International University
Moscow International University
Submitted: 08.03.2022
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the general linguistic, general cultural and ethnocultural features of the linguistic personality of the XVII-century French philosopher Ren? Descartes. Scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the features peculiar to the discursive constructions of the national linguistic personality in line with the study of linguosemiotic mechanisms of special terms functioning, both in the space of a complete utterance and at the level of the main stock of the national language. The research findings have shown that there are both universal and national-cultural features in the French philosopher’s discourse and also have made it possible to find information about the national culture, worldview and mentality of native speakers of the national language at the level of the linguistic personality. The data obtained made it possible to identify particularities of Ren? Descartes’s linguistic personality that are relevant for modern ways of overcoming crisis situations at the level of behavioural models of cognition and communication.
Key words and phrases: философия языка, языковая личность, эпистемологический дискурс, философская картина мира, лингвокультура, philosophy of language, linguistic personality, epistemological discourse, philosophical worldview, linguoculture
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