Content of the Term "Gesture" in a Polycode (Film) Text
Said Nadia Ibrahim Mohamed Abdelkader
St. Petersburg State University
Submitted: 15.03.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine how a gesture functions in a polycode text using a film text as an example. The paper deals with the content of the term "gesture"; describes the classifications of gestures that have developed in linguistics and anthropology; substantiates the necessity of considering the system of gestures as a semiotic system within the framework of a polycode (film) text. Scientific novelty of the work lies in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the typological groups of gestures and in identifying the place that communicative gestures occupy in a polycode (film) text. As a result, it has been determined that a gesture in the context of a polycode (film) text acts as a communicative marker perceived in a sociocultural and nationally oriented context.
Key words and phrases: поликодовый текст, кинотекст, коммуникативные жесты, polycode text, film text, communicative gestures
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