Status of the Mirandese Isolect in Modern Portugal: A Sociolinguistic Analysis
Viazovikov Alexei Viktorovich, Yataeva Evgenia Vladimirovna
Tyumen State University
Submitted: 15.03.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the status of the Mirandese speech variety as a language with dialect elements on the basis of certain criteria corresponding to these concepts. The paper focuses on the current state of the Mirandese language in the context of its official position according to Portuguese laws, as well as examines the issue of its transformation throughout history. Scientific novelty of the study lies in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the factors and prerequisites that determine the state of the Mirandese isolect from the perspective of its development and application, as well as in the fact that the range of issues associated with this topic has not become a subject of research in our country. As a result of the study, it has been found that such an isolect as Mirandese has the characteristics of both a language and a dialect, although the predominance of the former is more pronounced.
Key words and phrases: мирандский язык, португальский язык, астурлеонский язык, диалект, идиом, Mirandese language, Portuguese language, Asturleonese language, dialect, isolect
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