Chronotopic Structure of the Text of an Elegy from the Pre-Norman Period
Solovyova Maria Sergeyevna
Submitted: 22.02.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to identify the chronotopic structure of the texts of Anglo-Saxon heroic elegies. The paper is novel in that it is the first to describe the main chronotopic fields characteristic of an elegiac text and their representation in the texts from the period under consideration. The research findings have shown that the opposition of the chronotopic fields "Before Loss" - "The Event of Loss and Its Circumstances" - "After Loss" is already present in the earliest elegiac texts in English, while the way of their representation differs depending on whether the subject of speech is a man or a woman. Each of the specified chronotopic fields is also divided into a personal and a universal field in the elegies written from the perspective of a man.
Key words and phrases: элегия, хронотоп, хронотопическая структура, хронотопические поля, англосаксонская поэзия, elegy, chronotope, chronotopic structure, chronotopic fields, Anglo-Saxon poetry
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