Universalia sunt realia: Conceptions of Medieval Scholasticism in U. Eco’s Novel "The Name of the Rose"
Mushtanova Oxana Yuryevna
MGIMO University
Submitted: 04.02.2022
Abstract. The aim of this study is to consider the implementation of the conceptions of medieval scholasticism in the artistic form by the material of Umberto Eco’s novel "The Name of the Rose". The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it shows for the first time how the medieval discussion about universals, in particular the issue of relationship between a word and reality, is embodied in the structure of U. Eco’s novel "The Name of the Rose". As a result, it is proved that the principle of the reality of universals functions in the novel under consideration at different levels and determines the features of the picture of the world presented in it.
Key words and phrases: Умберто Эко, универсалии, номинализм, Слово, книга, Umberto Eco, universals, nominalism, Word, book
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