Differentiation of Text Types with Incentive Modality in Applied Aspect
Makhina Liudmila Alekseevna
Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny
Submitted: 02.02.2022
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the main characteristics of the text types "advice" and "instruction" and their application in studying controversial texts. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it carries out a complex analysis of functional and extralinguistic typological characteristics of the text types "instruction" and "advice", compares them and finds differences which are important for the interpretation of legally relevant texts, as well as provides a possible model for linguistic analysis according to the information received. As a result, specificity of realization of the communicative purposes of "advice" or "instruction" has been shown by the example of a personal note text, the main features of these types of text have been identified, the working process has been described in details, the material for the research has been characterized, the methodology to reveal the communicative orientation of a controversial text has been presented.
Key words and phrases: побудительная модальность, инструкция, совет, коммуникативная цель, incentive modality, instruction, advice, communicative purpose
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