Zakharova Liudmila Borisovna, Zakharova Elena Valerievna
Samara State Technical University
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 01.02.2022
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the historical meaning of paroemias (proverbs and sayings) with feminine agioanthroponyms in the Spanish language. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it uses the historical approach to the analysis of paroemiological units with feminine agioanthroponyms for the first time which allows revealing the history of their creation, identifying the semantics, linguocultural features, connotations, transformations. As a result, it has been proved that the history of the Spanish language and culture development is closely connected with the history of the Catholic Christian Church. The study of paroemias with agioanthroponyms allows revealing the history of their development in the Spanish language, as well as identifying religious meanings through semantic characteristics.
Key words and phrases: паремия, женские агиоантропонимы, агионимы, экклезионим, агиотопоним, paroemia, feminine agioanthroponyms, agionyms, ecclesionym, agiotoponym
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