Linguostylistic Means in Slogans of English-Language Social Advertising
Ilduganova Gulnara Minshakirovna, Garaeva Leila Mirzanurovna, Nurieva Guzel Rashitovna
Kazan Federal University
Submitted: 27.12.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the main linguostylistic means used in slogans of English-language social advertising, as well as their frequency. The paper sheds light on the main differences between non-commercial and commercial advertising, identifies goals and objectives of social advertising, provides a description of each means and conducts a linguistic analysis of the most popular linguostylistic means. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the paper proposes a comprehensive classification of linguostylistic means from the perspective of semantics, morphology, phonetics, stylistics and paralinguistics. As a result, the main linguostylistic means used in English-language social advertising have been identified and their frequency has been determined, new directions for further research of the topic have been outlined.
Key words and phrases: социальная реклама, лингвостилистические средства, слоган, эмотивность, образные средства, social advertising, linguostylistic means, slogan, emotivity, figurative means
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