Structural and Semantic Features of Causative Constructions with the Meaning of Coercion, Order in the Buryat Language
Dadueva Elena Aleksandrovna
Buryat State University
Submitted: 12.02.2022
Abstract. The paper describes Buryat causative constructions with the meaning of coercion and order. The purpose of the research is to identify specific constructions expressing the causative semantics of coercion. The research is novel in that it is the first in Mongolian studies to consider the structural and semantic features of polypredicative causative constructions with different semantics, using the material of the Buryat language. As a result, it has been shown that causative constructions with the meaning of coercion and order are realised in polypredicative constructions, the main matrix causative verbs denoting the semantics of coercion have been identified. It has been found that Buryat polypredicative causative constructions are realised in two main semantic and syntactic types: 1) PA + CAUS (Predicative Actant plus Causative Verb) and 2) IMP + CAUS (Imperative Verb plus Causative Verb) with the conjunction "гэжэ".
Key words and phrases: каузативность, каузативный глагол, бурятский язык, глагол волевого воздействия, полипредикативная конструкция, causativity, causative verb, Buryat language, verb of volitional impact, polypredicative construction
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