A Criminal and "Natural Evil" in H. P. Lovecraft’s Short Stories
Razumov Igor Alexeevich
Moscow Region State University
Submitted: 19.12.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study the features peculiar to the image of a criminal in H. P. Lovecraft’s creative work. Using the material of the short story "The Loved Dead" (1923), the researcher studies the image of a criminal and the motif of natural, irrational evil in H. P. Lovecraft’s creative work. The paper is novel in that it deepens the ideas that have developed in science on H. P. Lovecraft’s moral position, on how the main theme of world literature related to the comprehension of the theme of crime and punishment was interpreted in his prose. As a result, the features peculiar to the image of a criminal in H. P. Lovecraft’s creative work have been studied. The history of the creation of the story "The Loved Dead" (1923) has been considered, its imagery has been analysed. The researcher has outlined the social and literary context of the work, its place in the literary process of the USA and its significance for the writer’s creative evolution.
Key words and phrases: рассказ, преступник, зло, Г. Ф. Лавкрафт, литература США, short story, criminal, evil, H. P. Lovecraft, literature of the USA
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