Voluntative Modality in Poetic Discourse (in German, English and Ossetian Linguocultures)
Dreeva Dzhanetta Murzabekovna, Otroshenko Anastasia Ivanovna, Tolparova Dzerassa Valerievna
North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov
Submitted: 19.10.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study devoted to the problem of the correlation between the author’s worldview and the language of his/her texts is to identify the similarities and differences in the ways of representing the modality of will in poetic discourses in different languages. The study is focused on the functioning of the explicit and implicit means of verbalizing voluntative modality in a poetic text (lexical units, morphological forms and syntactic constructions). The scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that multilevel language units making it possible to identify the features of implementing the category of inducement in the idiostyles of the representatives of different linguocultures are seen as the explicators of voluntative semantics. The preferences in the author’s modal paradigms are proved to depend on the peculiarities of the author’s individual worldview, which in its turn is determined by the national worldview. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis that indicate certain similarities in the ways of implementing the category under study in German, English and Ossetian linguocultures and highlights the differences in the use of explicit and implicit means of representing the category of will in the idiolects under study.
Key words and phrases: модальность волеизъявления, поэтический дискурс, авторская картина мира, категория побуждения, лингвокультура, modality of will, poetic discourse, worldview of the author, category of inducement, linguoculture
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