Metaphor as an Evaluation of the Interaction “Medical Worker ↔ Patient” in the French Online Medical Discourse
Barasheva Lidya Gennadievna
Derzhavin Tambov State University
Submitted: 17.11.2022
Abstract. The paper deals with the analysis of metaphors contained in comments and reviews about medical institutions and medical workers on the official websites of corresponding medical institutions in France. The communicative possibilities of metaphors in the Internet space are analysed in terms of their belonging to a particular semantic group. The aim of the study is to systematise the metaphors of the modern online sphere in accordance with their communicative potential. The study is novel in that it is the first to identify a corpus of metaphors using the material of the French online medical discourse and to carry out its structuring on a semantic basis. As a result, it has been found that the metaphor emphasises the function of the patient’s evaluation of a previous consultation / a medical institution / a medical worker in the modern online medical discourse. The sample of metaphor examples under study is structured into groups according to a semantic feature. The principle corresponding to the transfer of meaning from the source domain of the metaphor to the target domain through a common semantic feature is taken as a basis of classification. Based on the results of the metaphor analysis, systematisation is carried out taking into account the evaluative role of the metaphor in the medical Internet space.
Key words and phrases: медицинский дискурс, сетевая коммуникация, метафора, французский язык, medical discourse, online communication, metaphor, French language
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