Genre Diversity of Ural Speculative Fiction of the Early XX Century
Khoruzhenko Tatiana Igorevna
Ural Federal University
Submitted: 11.10.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the genre varieties of science fiction that developed in Russian regional literature in the early XX century. The paper examines the texts of Ural writers: “The Thunderstorm of the World” by I. Ryapasov, “On Another Planet” by P. Infantiev and “The Ethereal Vortex” by N. Novikov; analyses the genre varieties to which the published texts belong. The paper argues that three genre varieties developed in Russian literature at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries (adventurous speculative fiction, scientema and adventurous-philosophical speculative fiction), later combined into the term “science fiction”. Examples of scientema can be found in I. Ryapasov’s and N. Novikov’s works, at the same time, P. Infantiev’s novel can be attributed to adventurous-philosophical speculative fiction, since it explores the idea of contact with the Other. Scientific originality of the study lies in carrying out a genre analysis of the works by Ural science fiction writers published from 1901 to 1914, which has not been carried out before. As a result, it has been proved that one can find examples of all genre varieties of “science fiction” in early XX century Russian literature, two of which are represented in the creative work of regional authors. At the same time, the paper concludes that the romantic traditions of speculative fiction also had a significant impact on the development of speculative fiction at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.
Key words and phrases: научная фантастика, русская проза ХХ в, жанровое своеобразие, региональная литература, уральская литература, science fiction, Russian prose of the XX century, genre originality, regional literature, Ural literature
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