Communicative Characteristics of Political, Military and Military-Political Discourses in the Category “Addresser - Addressee” (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages)
Fedotov Ilia Igorevich, Kovalev Leonid Nikolaevich
Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University
Submitted: 17.10.2022
Abstract. The aim of the work is to highlight the most important aspects and communicative characteristics of the category “addresser - addressee” in political, military and military-political discourses using the material of the English and Russian languages. The paper is novel in its study of the discursive features of addressers and addressees in political, military and military-political discourses. It is the first time that the communicative characteristics of military and military-political discourses in the category “addresser - addressee” have been considered; in addition, a detailed comparison of the individual communicative components of political, military and military-political discourses has been carried out and their intended participants, genres, degree of interdiscursivity have been identified. The study has found that the category “addresser - addressee” is one of the most significant in discourse analysis. It has also been determined that depending on the professionalism of the participants in a discourse and taking into account the parameters of activity, three types of the “addresser - addressee” relations can be distinguished within the framework of political, military and military-political discourses. The analysis of similarities and differences of communicative relations in political, military and military-political discourses has been carried out.
Key words and phrases: дискурс, речевая коммуникация, адресант, адресат, военно-политический дискурс, discourse, speech communication, addresser, addressee, military-political discourse
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