Memoirs as a Speech Genre of Autobiographical Prose (by the Material of the German Language)
Subbotenko Svetlana Sergeevna
Kursk State University
Submitted: 16.10.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the communicative functions of the speech genre “memoirs” and analyse their implementation at the intra-textual and textual levels. The work is carried out within the framework of the genre-stylistic theory of the text. The typological difference between memoirs and other genres of autobiographical prose is considered. The stylistic characteristics and types of memoirs are analysed. The classification is based on the personality of the author of memoirs, which affects the degree of literary treatment of the text. Particular attention is paid to the communicative functions of this speech genre that underlie the intra-textual and grammatical-syntactic characteristics of the speech genre. Scientific novelty lies in determining the variable specificity of the structure and intra-textual logical-speech connection (a variety of compositional-speech forms), which has an organising significance for the grammatical-syntactic design of the speech genre “memoirs”. As a result, it has been found that there is a trend towards the predominance of evaluative and analytical communicative functions in the speech genre “memoirs”, which manifests itself in the dominant role of logical-speech connections organising the speech genre through the varieties of the compositional-speech forms “description” and “reasoning”.
Key words and phrases: автобиографическая проза, мемуары, речевой жанр, коммуникативная функция, композиционно-речевые формы, autobiographical prose, memoirs, speech genre, communicative function, compositional-speech forms
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