Shamanic Anthroponymicon in the Plots of Evenki Folklore and Historical Documents
Varlamov Alexander Nikolaevich
The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North
Submitted: 13.10.2022
Abstract. The paper aims to determine the specifics of Evenki anthroponymic traditions associated with shamanism. The study is novel in that it is the first to consider the shamanic anthroponymicon of the Evenki in the plots about shamans of various genres of Evenki folklore and historical documents. On the basis of the shamanic vocabulary of various groups of the Evenki published in the editions of Tungus-Manchu dictionaries, the meanings of the names of folklore characters and historical figures are given, which are literal or figurative characteristics of ancient cult servants. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the anthroponymic traditions of the Evenki show the great role of shamanism in the ethnic environment: the names of Evenki shamans reflect the unique characteristics and functional duties of a cult servant; the shamanic anthroponymicon of the Evenki demonstrates the specificity of word formation in agglutinative languages and is a reflection of the ideological and social traditions of the Evenki.
Key words and phrases: антропонимия эвенков, эвенкийские имена, сюжеты о шаманах, шаманизм эвенков, функции шамана, anthroponymy of the Evenki, Evenki names, plots about shamans, Evenki shamanism, functions of a shaman
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