Semiotics of Word-Forming Stems in Moscow Toponymy
Kuzyomina Yuliya Vladimirovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 14.10.2022
Abstract. The paper presents the results of a study aimed at the etymological description of toponyms of modern Moscow. The aim of the research is to determine the semiotics of word-forming stems in Mos-cow toponymy. The paper presents the results of a linguistic-historical and etymological understanding of some toponyms of Moscow that reflect the historical and culture-specific features of the city development. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it determines and describes the semiotics of the word-forming stem contained in the semantics or connotation of a geographical name using a certain sample of examples of Moscow toponyms. As a result, the toponym has been characterised as an object of onomas-tics study. Based on the results of clarifying the notion of semiotics and the word-forming stem of a topo-nym, it has been found that the word-forming stem is often a nominant that was formed taking into account extralinguistic parameters, such as terrain features from the viewpoint of geography; activities of people who inhabited a particular territory; historical or social circumstances. During the analysis, it has been proved that a number of units forming Moscow toponymy have an unclear etymology due to the duality of semantic meanings inherent in derived stems.
Key words and phrases: ономастика, топонимика, семиотика, производящая основа, этимология, onomastics, toponymy, semiotics, word-forming stem, etymology
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