The Discourse of State Anti-Semitism in the USSR (by the Material of 1946-1953 Documents)
Golikov Leonid Mikhailovich
Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
Submitted: 10.10.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to describe the features of the discourse of state anti-Semitism in the USSR during the period of late Stalinism. The paper characterises the commonality of institutional anti-Semitic texts as a means of protecting the Soviet ideological ideal from the harmful effects of Jews. The Soviet ideological ideal is an axiological category that opposes everything false, vicious and therefore hostile. The hostile nature of Soviet documents towards Jews is realised through the strategy of accusing Jews of professing the ideology of national struggle against the “Soviet”. The discourse of state anti-Semitism in the USSR is presented in the form of an accusation ritual consisting of requests addressed to the highest state authorities and indirect reactions to such requests aimed at endowing Jews with a state of guilt. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the anti-Semitic discourse as a part of the USSR totalitarian discourse is highlighted as a separate object of study. As a result, the specifics of the expression of the Soviet ideological ideal have been determined, the discursive scheme and techniques for achieving a common intentional attitude of anti-Semitic documents have been described.
Key words and phrases: тоталитарный дискурс СССР, дискурс государственного антисемитизма СССР, идеологический идеал, обвинение, USSR totalitarian discourse, discourse of state anti-Semitism in the USSR, ideological ideal, accusation
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