Biblical Performative in Early Christian Germanic Culture
Ledovskikh Antonina Yurevna
Novosibirsk State University
Submitted: 12.09.2022
Abstract. The study aims to determine the specific features of the performative power of the word in the texts of the Christianisation period of Germanic tribes and in the texts that have preserved the pagan character of culture. Scientific novelty lies in identifying the biblical character of the performative in comparison with the pagan tradition of the ancient Germanic tribes. By analysing the ancient texts of Icelandic sagas belonging to the Poetic Edda and the ancient Germanic texts of the early Christian period the following results were obtained: the performative category is represented in the Christian tradition by a number of characteristics, i.e. the word spoken by God is equal to action, the illocutive power of the phraseological unit “in the name of the Lord” is the result of contractual relations, there is a strong cognitive connection in the pair “call” - “action”, while the pagan tradition is dominated by orality and the concept of conversation.
Key words and phrases: германская культура, перформатив, христианизация, язычество, голосовая функция, Germanic culture, performative, Christianisation, paganism, voice function
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