Content of the TREUE Concept in German Linguoculture
Khlopova Anna Igorevna, Sidorova Victoria Pavlovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 09.09.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify trends and dynamics of the content of the TREUE concept. Scientific novelty of the research lies in conducting a comprehensive study of the concept, comparing experimental data of a free associative experiment and data from the German language corpus DWDS. The research findings have shown that the content of the TREUE concept changes dramatically. Represented by lexical units with a positive connotation in the nominative field and in the associative field of 2019, the content of the concept under study acquires properties with a negative connotation in the associative field of 2021. Respondents associate fidelity with the fear of losing a loved one, think about the consequences of infidelity.
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