Peculiarities of Gender Stereotypes Verbalisation in the English-Language Advertising Discourse
Gorokhova (Akimtseva) Yulia Vladimirovna
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Submitted: 19.08.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the peculiarities of gender stereotypes verbalisation in the English-language advertising discourse. Scientific novelty lies in expanding the ideas about the distinctive features of gender stereotypes representation using the material of the English-language advertising discourse. In the process of the research, the linguistic and stylistic features of gender stereotypes and thematic groups characteristic of their verbalisation are identified; their distinctive features in TV commercials are highlighted. As a result of the research, it has been proved that gender stereotypes are verbalised in different ways in the advertising language; in addition, the distinctive features of gender stereotypes representation in the advertising discourse have been identified.
Key words and phrases: стереотип, гендер, гендерный стереотип, рекламный дискурс, процесс стереотипизации, stereotype, gender, gender stereotype, advertising discourse, process of stereotypisation
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