Linguistic Representation of Religious Power in the Early Medieval Anglo-Saxon Linguoculture (by the Material of the Poem “Beowulf” and the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”)
Gogenko Victoria Vladimirovna, Palashevskaya Irina Vladimirovna
Southern Federal University
Volgograd State University
Submitted: 08.09.2022
Abstract. The research aims to determine the verbal ways of representing religious power in the Anglo-Saxon linguoculture of the early Middle Ages recorded in Anglo-Saxon texts presented in Old English. The research material is the early medieval written narrative texts of the poem “Beowulf” and the annals of the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”. Scientific novelty of the research lies in shedding light on and clarifying attributes of religious power. The boundaries of the semantic space of religious power were defined, the linguistic means of its representation were described, the behavioural attributes of religious rulers represented in epic and chronicle texts were revealed. As a result, the researchers have identified and characterised groups of lexemes naming representatives of religious power, their attributive collocability, as well as the main groups of religious verbs presented by written sources.
Key words and phrases: религиозная власть, субъекты религиозной власти, добродетели власти, атрибуты религиозной власти, действия религиозной власти, religious power, subjects of religious power, virtues of power, attributes of religious power, actions of religious power
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